How to stay awake truck riving
  • Take a nap – There is nothing better to regain your energy than taking a nap. Resting is essential to stay aware on long trips.
  • Eat healthy food – Fat, salt and sugar make you tired. Make sure to eat healthy meals whenever you can.
  • Consume vitamins – B and C vitamins can provide you with energy. Don’t go on a trip without vitamins.
  • Move when you’re tired – If needed, stop your truck, get out of your cab and stretch your legs. Moving will certainly regain your energy.
  • Listen to music on a high volume – A good way to keep yourself awake.
  • Eat healthy snacks – You need energy on your trips to stay awake.
  • Listen to an audiobook – Keep your mind busy so you don’t fall asleep.
  • Take a fresh breath – From time to time, open your window and let oxygen flow through.
  • Hydration – You need to stay hydrated because dehydration will cause fatigue, and will not increase the burden of coffee.

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